Baby Cardinals

This spring I noticed a little nest in the bush right outside my bedroom window. I wasn’t sure if it was abandoned or new. But then one day, three little eggs appeared.

cardinals_01I wasn’t sure who they belonged to until mother showed up to sit on them.

cardinals_02One day she kept looking underneath herself. “What’s going on down there?” This is what was going on.

cardinals_03They weren’t beautiful, but they were hers.

One day, I looked out the window and saw a most unwelcome visitor sniffing around. I moved him far away from the house, but I wasn’t at all convinced he wouldn’t find his way right back.

cardinals_04The babies were growing very quickly. They seemed to sleep all the time, which made them completely helpless. But I understand that they must have been exhausted from all of that hard work growing.

Here they are as youngsters, unaware of the danger on the ground below.

cardinals_05I wasn’t sure who was going to get to live.

Here’s what kept happening.

I’m happy to report that all three fledged soon after and are busy in the trees around my house.

3 Replies to “Baby Cardinals”

    1. I was peeping -out- of my bedroom window! Mom was shy at first to my being there. Once the babies came she was too busy to worry about anyone else.

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